"Yes, I can see it's an egg, said Alice."

10 June 2005. 08.54 AM.
"Yes, I can see it's an egg," said Alice. Then turning to the Professor, and spinning the telescope so violently that it spun right out of it's holding and onto the floor, she demanded loudly, "but what the bloody hell is an egg."
Quoted from: Your Explanation Is Just One More Explanation. And: The Many Sided Replies and Cries of Humpty from Dumpty.
10 June 2005. 09.27 AM.
Met Tony for tea. He'd had egg on toast. A trip to the coast. Continually going on about. Attempted galactic gamma ray sterialisation. By Them. Of course he then goes on to tell. That this Them might be we. Or at least in the future. This They might be We. He also thinks that Others. Are capable of lauching meteorites maliciously. The Delta Slingshot Project. And directly in our direction. Even capable of carrying exotic virus infection. Then changing the subject. He says. "Last night I slapped Mary." Called her morbid, totally self obsessed. Told her. "To get a grip you drip." Told her. That in the region of Major Miner Six. Hundreds of stars were colliding. Millions of planets dying. "And can't you hear that terrible galactic shriek you geek."
10 June 2005. 09.52 AM.
Astronomers discover loop-like structure (fallopian tube) ten light-years across, at centre of Milky Way. The team that found it believe that this vast, bizarre structure, could be some form of particle accelerator. "The loop may produce sub-atomic particles (eggs) with a thousand times more energy than those in man-made (penis) accelerators," said Professor Stone of the Love, Light and Sight Organisation.
10 June 2005. 10.12 AM.
And upon the far side of Sight they saw a rotation of particles
globular star clusters of the Living Matter
a vortex of principles mentioned once
or twice,
in the Thrice Writ Book of the First Romans.
10 June 2005. 10.19 AM.
True Truth.
We are the living plan of The Real Ones.
"Sub-atomic particle accelerators spin this soup in this still
it's a complete copy of the Original Copy."
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