Thursday, September 30, 2010


The cosmos is a stain
smudged across a table top
by a loose sleve
and left there to evaporate
by a disinterested coffee drinker.


At 07:25, Anonymous Molecule Carrier said...

dear jon lemon, this is michael carrier your dear DADAfriend, please feel free to email

but any way WHAT COUNTS? after all. the use is made up and the canvas is spread out like butter, upon it a kite pattern and several tacky vacation photos melting in the sun and stained by jelly and jam from jars labeled by hand by a bored lonely grandmother. if she were to lose herself in a book she would fall asleep, her mind as frail as a butterfly that flies against a battering wind that hammers its wings as if they were squashes or cantaloupe under a boulder


MOLECULEC underscore
ARRIER at symbol
LIVE period
or dot COM

At 12:42, Anonymous Anonymous said...

frosty night dream shadows
watercoloured exhaust photograph
fractured purple mist
a nightsong all radiant black
a wandering pink lemonade lady
an iPod BeeGees soundtrack and me


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