(THEY) interfere.

10 June 2005. 2.43 PM.
There's someone on my tail
or at least on my trail, for after posting last print out of
theJABBERwockyEXPERIMENT whose leader is GEORGE
I received this:
Scanning these vulnerabilities/our random output
with your Chance Garbage Collector will no longer be tolerated.
We will boot you away until eternity and all without any rewriting until
programme errors accumulate you
into an unlinked mess. (A body of no fixed
abode of no fixed address.)
Only last night we clicked into you/lying there
swaddled in drunkenness and all out of iced water and Louie Char.
You didn't did you/have any dam inkling that we were tinkering.
Take a closer look at the back of your hands/at the back of your legs.
Didn't you see the marks left there by the pegs.
Soon/even your mother/or your brother/will need a hook/or a book/
or a man or a manual to download you.
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