And Once Upon A Pollytitoed Exactly.
And once upon a pollytitoed exactly, which bye now, and by then,
was apes and apes ago, and well before the invention
of lunacy and the invasion of mommies
and we her monkies, Goldilopper, and her friend June,
stepped out in th' dark deep of the ferry foresty green
in search of red grape and cherry cheep
which she wood kick start in her baskit for Easter
or maybe Smother. Burp just past her grasp she was fell upon slippery
by a lollipy floxy in jeans (whore was also a wolph.) Omm,
what a grape toot you gob, say Goldylooking, sagging,
and thru a straw, as dough she worm a queen
and smothered in some think (which she wash'nt.)
In fact, quite the open side was troo. Butt any waves,
to stick two th' storie, whim is all day a gut idea, the girl
got into bed with her grumpy gratemother not knowin
(or dipped she)
that sheep was a fox in Wilf's clothing, who, in fact,
was a napkin or harp botherer on her smugglers side. And that
be how (to cup a long story shorn) was how Alice
(and her rabbid)
sold the majik bean ant got th' cow, witch I think is now
a film or play or book by Rim Van Window on
Wipe Washer Film. Butt dab, I think
is quite anuther stottie. Soap gum bide you for now, you dollops
ant smilies and kitchen tellers
untilt tomorrows when i wilt sleep with you again.
Excerpt from: theJABBERwockyEXPERIMENT
whose leader is GEORGE: Chapter Three. Every Piece
Needs It’s Laugh Becabbage War Aint Funny.