And He Placed Before We A Merciful Menu.

11:51:am: Part one.
Step inside the eye of your mind
and you might find, a better place to play. I like it.
But arn't those some lines from some song
by Oasis.
Anyway, back to Violet, and yes,
she certainly should be getting herself securely anchored,
otherwise, she could float up. But look, let's cut
that other guff,
I met her mother, so I clearly know
that she wasn't any kind of immaculate conception.
She's right though
about that other stuff, "the universe certainly was
developed by someone."
(...for out of her first low slow relax she created
her first high uptightness, and everything was tightly uptight,
screwed up and together. But he, returning,
from some far out journeying, from selling perhaps,
clever vacumes or maps
or baseball caps to sporty young chaps,
saw that everything was too tightly uptight
and in a fierce fury of might, blew out
the assembled...
...and across the endless endless, the universe bubbled up
and babbled out
right up until the edge of the edge...)
I like also her ideas about
The Great Editor. Has she become a student
of The Seven Secret Words. If not that
then how does she know such.
End of Part One.
1. this poem is still under construction.
2. this poem is made up.
3. all spelling mistakes are intentional.
I can't read it.
To anonymous. Perhaps such "reading" requires a certain kind of fluid movement, such as might be initiated, in another kind of similar situation, by a large dose of MUESLI. Thanks anyway for trying.
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